Happy St Martin's Saturaday

7th NOVEMBER 2020, ŠMARTNO OB PAKI – traditional wine fest and in old customs.

When stum becomes wine

St. Martin in Šmartno ob Paki has been celebrated since 1990 and is marked by red cabbage and wine. The festival marks the time when stum with a blessing becomes a real wine. In Martin Village there is a varied program according to the old customs and habits with a special program for kids.

A cultural-ethnological event Martin’s Saturday displays customs of village communities and twin municipalities. Martin’s Baptism of Wine, Martin’s Art Colony, the selection of the wine cellar steward and the taste of a young wine are a mark of the ethnological event, which carries on into a folk musical evening.

Professional winegrowers meeting is also a part of the event as well as hiking and other interesting activities.

Organized by: Youth Center Šmartno ob Paki, +386 3 891 53 76, m: +386 64 167 940


Mladinski center Šmartno ob Paki
t: +386 64 167 940 
e: pisarna@mcsop.si


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